Time is Money

Time is Money

​​’Time is money’

What are your thoughts on Ben Franklin’s age-old piece of advice?

The classic interpretation of this advice is to not sit idle and waste time. “You’re being lazy! Remember, Time is Money!”

But is it?

Time is only money if you’re using that time for the purpose of income generation. When you are spending it with your family, it is not money, but it is valuable. 

When you’re BBQing with friends for Fourth of July, Time is not Money, but it is valuable. 

Time is as valuable as the attention you apply. 

If mowing the lawn is a low-level form of your use of time, then skip it and pay a teenager $30 to mow (or get artificial turf, like me!). But if you find value in mowing the lawn—it’s cheaper, I do my best thinking while mowing the lawn, I enjoy the sense of satisfaction from doing a bit of work and making the yard look good—then continue doing it!

Advice is not ‘Time is Money’. 

The advice is ‘Your time is valuable, use it intentionally’.

Get after it. Live on purpose.

If this interests you, I’d love to hear from you! Schedule a phone call or send me an email.

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