Up Your Game: A Flight Plan for Paying Attention to the Right Thing at the Right Time


Up your game

Welcome to Your Journey of Focused Leadership

Are you a leader feeling constantly pulled in every direction? Do the demands of your roles as a husband, father, and professional leave you overwhelmed and struggling to maintain focus? It’s time to embark on a transformative journey with my coaching service tailored for the profession with a family.

Elevate your Focus: A Flight Plan for Leaders to Master Attention and Automate Discipline

In the fast-paced world of leadership, distractions abound, making it challenging to focus on what truly matters. As a military fighter pilot, I bring a unique perspective to leadership coaching. Our Flight Plan is not just theory; it’s a result of disciplined training, precision decision-making, and staying focused in high-pressure situations. Let me guide you through a personalized Flight Plan that leverages the precision of military training to elevate your focus, master attention, and automate discipline in every area of your life.


Understanding Your Struggles

As a leader, you face seemingly insurmountable challenges. You can’t seem to keep up with the people and tasks tugging at your time and energy. All this while being a husband, father, and leader. Our coaching services are tailored to leaders just like you, guiding you through a transformative journey.

Your Solution is Here

Elevate your focus, master attention, and automate discipline with our Flight Plan. Our coaching is designed to address the challenges you face in balancing your myriad roles. We understand, and we’re here to help.



Military Precision for Elevated Leadership

Unleash the power of focused leadership with a coaching approach forged in the cockpit of a fighter jet. The skills honed in the military – precision, focus under pressure, and strategic thinking – directly translate to effective leadership. Let me guide you through a Flight Plan that brings military precision to elevate your leadership in every aspect of your life.


Experience Measurable Improvements

  • Improved Professional Performance: Boost productivity, enhance decision-making, and excel in your career.
  • Enhanced Work-Life Balance: Manage your time effectively, reducing stress and enjoying a fulfilling personal life.
  • Strengthened Relationships: Improve communication, foster stronger bonds, and collaborate effectively.
  • Quantifiable Personal Growth: Increase self-confidence, discover your purpose, and understand your strengths.

Elevate your focus with my coaching and experience a cascade of tangible benefits that extend into every facet of your life.

Elevate Your Leadership Journey Today

Ready to experience the tangible benefits of focused leadership, improved attention, and automated discipline? Schedule your complimentary consultation now and discover how our Flight Plan can transform your professional and personal life. Act now for exclusive early-bird benefits. Your journey to focused, disciplined leadership begins with a single step.

This plan is for you if:

  1. You want to live a life of purpose
  2. You are tired of the status quo
  3. You want to improve personally and professionally
  4. You want to hold a higher standard for yourself


My mission is to build up the next generation of leaders, armed to take on the dynamic challenges of the Attention Age. You are on a journey to living a life of purpose, bringing the most impact to yourself, you family, and your community. I am committed to encourage and aid you on your journey.