A life of Purpose and Excellence

You are a man. You are a man of God.

You are a leader. You lead yourself, your family, your peers, and your teams.

You are 25 to 35 years old.

Over the next decade, you and your generation will be taking on leadership roles in family, business, the military and government.

I am Wes Woodhouse, husband, father, marathon runner, and fighter pilot. My mission is to build the next generation of leaders, armed to take on the dynamic challenges of the 21st Century.

Challenges are coming. 

The challenges of the 21st Century are unknown, but they will come, and they will arrive with ferocity.

The true colors of leadership become visible in a crisis. When the next crisis occurs, your family and your teams will look to you for leadership. 

As a leader, you need to train and prepare. 

Your family is counting on you. Your peers look up to you. Your team needs you.

The Vector Mastermind is a group of believers, committed to making an impact and living a life of purpose.

None of us can do it alone. 

As a member of the Vector Mastermind, you will grow. You will be held accountable to your goals. You will be encouraged and supported in your efforts.

The power of a Mastermind

Jim Rohn understood the power that people have on you.

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

King Solomon, the wisest man to walk the earth, knew the power of wise counsel. (Proverbs 11:14)

“Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory.”

Successful companies have a committed board of directors who keep the organization moving towards the vision.

Do you have a personal board of directors? What would a group of people committed to your success look like?

Join Vector Mastermind

Wise Counsel


A Life of Purpose

Join a group of committed men, each pursuing a life of purpose. 

The Vector Mastermind includes:

  • A weekly one hour meeting
  • Your personal board of directors
  • Honest, growth-oriented feedback
  • Access to a group of motivated, committed men
  • A copy of the current reading book

This mastermind is for you if:

  1. You want to live a life of purpose
  2. You are tired of the status quo
  3. You want to improve personally and professionally
  4. You want to hold a higher standard for yourself


My mission is to build up the next generation of leaders, armed to take on the dynamic challenges of the 21st Century. Each man in the group is on a journey to living a life of purpose, bringing the most impact to himself, his family, and his community. I am committed to encourage and aid each man find that purpose and become impactful.


I ask that you commit to six months. The true power of a mastermind comes as relationships reach depth. 

The weekly meetings are just the beginning of the growth. Your experience and insight is valuable to each man, just as their insight is valuable to you. I ask that you attend every meeting, with few exceptions.

This mastermind is not free. The truth is, without a small financial commitment, there would be minimal skin in the game. 


My vision for this mastermind is a group of Believers with commitment to their faith, families and communities, who have a drive for improving themselves and impacting their communities.

Join me and the powerful men of Vector Mastermind and pursue your Life of Purpose.

If you have any questions, please email me: wes@weswoodhouse.com.